Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Here Comes the airplane!

Started him on rice cereal as per doctor's reccomendation. A few days later, while browsing some parent sites, I got a little nervous. Apparently, there has been a new campaign to get rid of rice cereal as a starter food for babies because its just plain white processed grains, totally unhealthy, they're calling it a "white-out". I went to look at the ingredients on his rice cereal and was relieved that the brand i purchased, Earth's Best was definitely OK. In addition to be 100% organic it is made from whole grain BROWN rice and is not as junky as the others. I like that the only ingredients on the package are the brown rice and added iron - that's it! The less ingredients the better, especially when it comes to tiny tummies.

Still, I don't know that these cereals are as crucial to babies as the veggies are so I got him started on all the veggies right away. Every 3 days we introduced a different veg (all from Earth's Best because they use only organic and have nothing added in). So far we've done squash (LIKE), peas (DISLIKE!!), sweet potatos (LOVE!!), carrots (LIKE). I haven't started fruit yet, I like that he's enjoying the veggies so I'm holding off introduction of the sweet stuff. Fruits: the gateway drug to candy!! kidding :)

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